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The first part of the word "Parable" in greek means "alongside", which describes who we are perfectly. Our goal is to come alongside your team in partnership to help your organization thrive and remain relevant in today's quickly changing culture. 


To equip & activate the body of Christ as creative storytellers that will impact this world and see His Kingdom come.


Our vision is simple, we want to see empowered Christian's excelling in entertainment and leading the charge with creative storytelling, not just in their ministries but in the world. 


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for humans"

Excellence in media and the arts is not optional, it's an obligation. Arts and Entertainment shape our culture and world daily. As Christians, we have been commissioned to work with all of our hearts for the Lord, not only that, He's called us to GO and MAKE DISCIPLES, we believe media is a fantastic platform to see the great commission fulfilled.  

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